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Audio Mastering - Essential Practices
Audio Mastering - Essential Practices (HL-50449581) Improve the sound of your recordings. Mastering is the art of optimizing recorded sound, finding the ideal volume levels and tonal quality, and insuring data integrity necessary to produce a professional-quality duplication and distribution-ready master. This book introduces the techniques and tools of audio mastering, suitable for commercial and home/project studio environments. Technical discussions address gear, studio setup, methodologies, goals, and other considerations for making tracks sound their best, individually and in relationship to other tracks. The accompanying recording has audio examples that support two detailed case studies where readers can follow a mastering engineer's manipulations step by step.

Publisher: Berklee Press
Publication Date: 05/2013
Credits: by Jonathan Wyner
Medium: Softcover with CD
Pages: 152
Length: 12.00 in.
Width: 9.00 in.
Series: Berklee Guide
Format: Book/CD Pack
ISBN: 0876390947
List Price: $29.99 Manufacturer: HAL LEONARD
Price: $29.99 (Save $0.00) Model Number: HL-50449581

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