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Piano for Kids: The Road to Stardom Starts Here
Piano for Kids: The Road to Stardom Starts Here (HL-00236851) This award-winning method starts children on their musical journey by teaching the basic principles of playing piano. It begins with proper posture and hand positioning for effective learning. Next follow a gradual and progressive learning path to read music notation while learning rhythm, timing and how they are used to play songs. Learn chords demonstrated with audio play along tracks. Everything your child needs to start playing piano or keyboard is here! Includes downloadable video lesson examples and audio backing tracks and demonstrations.

Publisher: Rock House
Publication Date: 07/2017
Credits: by John McCarthy Rock House Kids
Medium: Softcover Media Online
Pages: 72
Length: 12.00 in.
Width: 9.00 in.
Series: Rock House
Format: Book/Online Media
ISBN: 1495097064
List Price: $19.99 Manufacturer: HAL LEONARD
Price: $19.99 (Save $0.00) Model Number: HL-00236851

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