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101 Trumpet Tips: Stuff All the Pros Know and Use
101 Trumpet Tips: Stuff All the Pros Know and Use (HL-00312082) Ready to take your trumpet playing to the next level? This book presents valuable how-to insight that trumpeters of all levels can benefit from, spanning classical to rock music, and everything in between. The text, photos, music, diagrams, and accompanying CD provide a terrific, easy-to-use resource for a variety of topics, including: techniques, articulation, tone production, soloing, exercises, special effects, equipment, performance, maintenance and much more. The CD features 70 helpful demo tracks!

Publisher: Hal Leonard
Publication Date: 01/2012
Credits: by Scott Barnard
Medium: Softcover with CD
Pages: 80
Length: 12.00 in.
Width: 9.00 in.
Series: Trumpet Instruction
Format: Book/CD Pack
ISBN: 1617741205

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List Price: $14.99 Manufacturer: HAL LEONARD
Price: $14.99 (Save $10.00) Model Number: HL-00312082

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