This unique series features the actual keyboard parts transcribed as played on the artists' original recordings, and...
This unique series features the actual keyboard parts transcribed as played on the artists' original recordings, along with...
The Keyboard Play-Along series will help you play your favorite songs as played by your favorite artists quickly and easily....
The Keyboard Play-Along Series will help you play your favorite songs as played by your favorite artists quickly and easily....
This unique series features the actual keyboard parts transcribed as played on the artists' original recordings, along with...
The Keyboard Play-Along Series will help you play your favorite songs as played by your favorite artists quickly and easily....
Over 20 of Sir John's best arranged for the beginning player, including: Bennie and the Jets • Can You Feel the Love...
The Keyboard Play-Along Series will help you play your favorite songs as played by your favorite artists quickly and easily....
This unique series features the actual keyboard parts transcribed as played on the artists' original recordings, along with...
This comprehensive book will teach you the basic skills need to play modern pop keyboard. From comping to soloing, from...
This award-winning method starts children on their musical journey by teaching the basic principles of playing piano. It...
Learn to play the piano styles of today's top rock, pop, and jazz artists! Here are the melodic and harmonic techniques of...
The Ultimate Play-Along series gives you everything you need to jam with your favorite songs. This book includes authentic...
Study the trademark songs and signature phrases of the Rocket Man himself! This comprehensive book and audio teaching method...
Do you play acoustic piano? Electronic keyboard? Hammond organ? Clavinet? Is your preferred genre pop? Rock? R&B? Funk?...